Arthroscopy Surgery:
Knee, shoulder, pelvis, ankle, elbow and wrist joints
Urology Surgery:
TURBT and TURP surgeries
ENT Surgery:
Reducing turbinate mass, Tonsillectomy, Adenoid, Sinus surgery, Snort treatment, Nose bleeding Orthognathic surgery, Throat ulcers treatment, and Laryngeal damage. treatment,
Submucosal fibroids (Myoma)
Hysteroscopic septal resection
Endometrial ablation
SMART Ablation Technology Features:
-Least tissue necrosis in depth of almost zero (40 um)
– Eliminating the risk of blood sugar syndrome
-Reduction in surgical time
-Preventing wound inflammation
– Quicker postoperative healing period
– Least bleeding during and after surgery
– Keeping a low temperature in the wound
– Minimum risk of postoperative adhesion and endometril damage to lower the risk of infertility in Gynecology
– Minimum risk of uterine rupture in Gynecology